A Taste of Compostela: Small Town Expo in the Guayabitos Plaza         

A Taste of Compostela: Small Town Expo in the Guayabitos Plaza         

Tara A. Spears

  The biggest asset of Mexico is its people. The reason that people come to Jaltemba Bay and return again is more than its gorgeous scenery and sunny climate; it is the friendly, hard-working people that make the visit memorable. Many countries have beautiful beaches but Mexico has a vibrant culture that delights the senses with its food, art, and music. The municipality of Compostela is presenting a cultural expo this weekend in the Guayabitos town plaza in order to promote the diversity of the region.

The government organizers explained in their mission statement:  “The activities consolidated by a town become traditions and these traditions unify people to join for a common good that benefits us all. Because traditions coalesce society, repairing any rips in the social fabric, it is necessary for the people to work together and for the education of our children. Recognizing the differences is important because young people are formed from the surrounding customs. That is why we must always maintain a good social environment.”

The people of Compostela have a friendly attitude but sometimes people forget to practice tolerance every day; coexisting and working together in spite of differences is what produces the magic of a cullture. “Compostela stands out because of the richness of its diverse people with their overall kind, sociable, supportive attitudes. Visitors realize this and that’s why visitors come back. We need to make an effort to keep this unique attitude, let’s not lose it. We should not lower the culture to the few who act wrongly; we must raise the people to the culture. Understanding by maintaining our Mexican Nayarit culture, we all feel proud to belong to it.”


A group of concerned Compostela promoters, concerned about what could happen to society, was given the task of organizing this social gathering called Romeria, where entrepreneurship is promoted.  Anyone can participate and share their unique product. It is a relaxed way to give information to the public. It’s a traveling festival that offers the quality and improvement of our indigenous Compostela/Nayarit products that other areas may not be aware of.

Don’t miss out, come to the Taste of Compostela Expo that is being held in Guayabitos Plaza Saturday and Sunday, August 24-25. There will be live music performed by a band Saturday night at 8:00, free to the public. The expo showcases the Nayarit culture with displays of art, indigenous beadwork, locally grown coffee, honey and other organic foods besides social services that are available to the residents of Nayarit. It’s more than an outdoor market; Taste of Compostela is an ambassador for the people of the state.