Women to Women Group Awards 8 New University Scholarships

Women to Women Group Awards 8 New University Scholarships
Tara A. Spears

Some were shy, some were verbose yet all the young women wanted to make a good impression during the interview in hopes of scoring a university scholarship. Each teen dreamed big and worked hard for years to earn above average grades to qualify. Most of the applicants are the first in her family to complete high school and attempt university-WOW. All the girls have imaged and worked for a better life for herself and her family through education.
It was very impressive that teens growing up in a small town have such a cosmopolitan attitude (all are studying multiple languages,) and have a passion for environmental issues. Some examples of the ideas these bright young women want to achieve: “I plan to use my training in chemistry to discover a way to use discarded plastics to make shoes….” Another applicant said, “I want to use my ability analyze and think (psychology) to help people who face tough situations in their family, their work, their environment and help them have a better quality of life….I plan to create a place where people that do not have resources can get help for free.” While tourism (hospitality and hotel management) is people oriented, applicants are globally aware, “I will participate in sustainable community projects not just as a visitor attraction but for the inhabitants of this community to benefit.” Every young lady selected had such mature goals-not just to begin university in august, but beyond their studies.

I applaud the families for nurturing the dreams and providing encouragement to their daughter. It is also a tribute to the teachers at the two feeder school, Conalep and La Penita Preppa (high schools) for motivating and providing the knowledge that enables these students to succeed.

This weekend eight families in Jaltemba Bay area are celebrating their daughter’s achievement and her bright future. We on the Women to Women Committee celebrate with the students and thank all of our loyal guests, sponsors, and local businesses that donate auction items; the support of many people is what enables our annual Fashion Show to provide this financial funding to the community. It is a huge effort that has huge results: more than 70 Jaltemba Bay young women (in addition to the new 8) have gone to university over the years. Besides W2W’s strong support of girls’ education, each year the group funds additional initiatives such as Christmas food bags and financial grants to other area non-profit endeavors.

It is important to know that every applicant is judged by the same criteria and has exceeded the eligibility criteria: “To be eligible: Students must be a resident of Jaltemba Bay area, have outstanding grades 8.5 or higher, show leadership qualities, demonstrate financial need and must be either currently enrolled or accepted into a recognized post-secondary institution for the upcoming academic year.” In 2019, all of the scholarship awards went to applicants with a 9.6/10 OR HIGHER cumulative average! Sadly, we had to turn away those with a 9.2, 9.5 average due to lack of funds. W2W has provided the opportunity and the students have responded. It’s such a joy to have so many graduates each year- that’s the proof of success.

As many people are stressing and trying to return home instead of doing their usual relaxed activities, remembering your fun time at Fashion Show might
make the long lines less aggravating. Wash your hands and plan to attend the January 20, 2021 event! That party provides so much for so many, all year long. While you self- isolate, do online searches for just the right lavender or teal outfit! Shopping is always fun and you need a pick-me-up! The Women to Women committee has some exciting ideas guaranteed to make the Masquerade Madness Show memorable. I’ll look for you on the red carpet!
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