The Extraordinary Photography of Arturo Bravo     

Photography of Arturo Bravo

The Extraordinary Photography of Arturo Bravo     

Tara A. Spears

One characteristic of the Mexican culture is an innate creativity and love of color. No matter how humble or isolated any community might be, there will be vibrancy in the personal touches.  The beauty of Mexican art is that it reflects the history, tradition, pride and passion of its people. It is no surprise that Mexicans have embraced photography as a modern means of artistic expression.

Photography of Arturo Bravo

 Local resident, Arturo Bravo Virgin, was fortunate to earn a scholarship and to graduate university with a bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design. His first real exposure to photography was in his university classes and it was an instant connection. “I have always loved to draw and paint,” explained Arturo through a translator. “I was fascinated with the process of photography. I love how the camera can suspend motion or capture the emotion of the fleeting moment.”  Arturo is establishing a photographic studio in La Penita, Bravo Fotography.

Arturo Bravo

In looking through Arturo’s albums of photos you note that Arturo enjoys portraits and scenes from everyday life for his subject matter. His artistic goal is to develop his style to the level that when people see one of his photos online they will recognize it as one of his works. “I’ve really made giant steps in professional skill and growth in a very short time.” When you look at the amazing photos in this article it is hard to believe that Arturo never took a photo until four years ago!

The qualities of good photography that make a photo stand out are:  composition (the arrangement); subject matter (this is where the artistic ability is most evident- being able to turn the prosaic into the extraordinary is a gift that few possess); focus and contrast (the technical aspects); finally, perhaps the most important quality in a good photograph is its ability to tell a story to or evoke emotion from the person viewing it. The best images need no explanation by the photographer. This is the quality that Arturo excels in. It’s a thrilling journey as this young Mexican photographer searches for visual analysis of his culture, Mexican issues and archetypes.  

Arturo said that he was very active as a young child, always in motion yet he could settle down to draw and paint for long periods. His mother hired a neighbor that was a painter, to teach Arturo at age 7. He quickly surpassed the teacher in skill!

 A powerful photograph elicits a strong reaction. A successful photograph should cause a reaction in a viewer, a deep recognition that an image’s story has been told. Compelling photographs evoke emotions in the viewer by approaching the subject in a unique way, whether literally through camera angle and perspective or metaphorically through lighting, composition or technique. A look at some of Arturo’s photographs demonstrates these principles. The focus is intimate, energetic and captures the spirit of the moment.

Photography of Arturo BravoThe photo of the dancer (left) is what started Arturo’s professional career when he was still studying at university. Arturo had gone to purchase art supplies in Compostela and happened upon a live dance performance in the town plaza. He stopped to take photos and was mistaken for the hired photographer that didn’t show up. Based on the quality of Arturo’s photos of the performance, the dance troupe director hired Arturo to accompany the dancers to Italy. What an amazing jump start to his career.

Arturo’s artistic ability is extraordinary yet there aren’t other artists in his immediate family. What’s fascinating is that his parents only went to 2nd grade in La Penita elementary school but they sacrificed and insisted that their children have an education. All four of the Bravo siblings went to high school and university.  “I’m proud that my parents (right) motivated me to learn and not get involved in bad activities,” said Arturo. “I chose to start my business in La Penita to stay close to my family.”

 “I’m also fortunate and proud of my finance, Ana Ortega Garcia.” The young couple has been together six years and recently became engaged.  “Ana pushes me to be a better person and photographer. She has encouraged me to make my dream a reality.” Ana is a trained Nutritionist who grew up in La Penita.

Arturo says that learning about the professional Mexican photographers is what has influenced his art: Manuel Alvarez Bravo, the father of Mexican photography (not a relative,) Graciela Iturbide and Fernando Lopez.  Arturo shares the view that photography is a tool of society not only to record events or a stage in an individual’s life but to capture their energy and uniqueness.

Arturo is seldom seen without his camera as he walks around the area. “It’s the possibility of realizing a dream that makes life so interesting.” Some of his albums are outstanding slices of ordinary life and people. His series on field hands records the work of a pineapple worker. Another series, the Old Ones, aims  to ”record the intrinsic value of a person, to save their contribution to the essence of La Penita so that when they are gone their contribution will be remembered.”

When asked why Arturo chose to make some photos in each series in black and white instead of color, he replied,” I develop the photograph in black and white when I want to remove distractions from the image….I’m wanting to direct the viewer’s focus to increase the impact of the composition.  Some compositions would be lost if they were in color.”

 The power of Arturo’s photos is that “Unlike any other visual art medium, a photograph is not a rendering, an imitation or an interpretation of its subject, but actually a trace of it. No painting or drawing, however natural, belongs to its subject in the way that a photograph does.” While Arturo hopes to keep developing his portfolio with artist compositions, he also enjoys the challenge of capturing birthdays, weddings, pregnancy celebrations.  Arturo is happy to videotape or photograph your important events.  

Arturo loves to relax by painting. He uses oil, acrylics or water color but prefers to work in oil. He can paint a wall scene in your home or business and accepts commissions for specific subject matter or portraits.

Photography of Arturo Bravo

 Anyone can snap a photo but not everyone can be a photographer whose photos are art. Arturo’s photos show his own unique, provocative vision.  Not only is Arturo’s work a reflection of the influence of Mexican art and culture, it is a slice of Arturo’s soul. We celebrate the evolution of this local talent.  

You can arrange for event videotaping or portraits through his Facebook page or call Arturo’s cell 322 180 1046.                                                   

If you wish to purchase a signed print of one of Arturo Bravo’s photos, they are available exclusively at Hamaca Maya Boutiques, La Penita.

Thanks to multilingual Hala Hazzi for translating.